This project emerges as the natural continuation of the «SCHOOL FOR ALL» project, focused on early childhood education with low vision. During the development of this, a joint work and an exchange of experiences has been generated that led to discover the serious difficulties that teachers encounter in the school environment when there is a student with low vision in their class. As a result of COVID-19, these serious difficulties have increased and become more evident. Given this situation, at the end of 2020 we decided that all the proactive work carried out until then by all the entities, was the basis of a PLANNING PHASE that would lead to the request of this project.

Having carried out this previous phase of such a long duration, has allowed us to generate a solvent project, with great capacity for impact and that has analyzed in detail all aspects of it.

This phase has allowed us to:

Generate a real analysis of the needs of both teachers and students with low vision in Europe, establishing a series of objectives capable of alleviating them.

Design results of great capability for impact and dissemination, with a digital orientation that helps develop the education of the future.

Establish responsible for the fundamental areas and commissions, as well as to draft the different parts of the project among all the partners.

Definition of the different profiles for the people participating in each stage and action of the project.

Establish the framework of collaboration in the new project.

Create a proposal for scheduling processes, activities and phases.

Create the Good Practice Plans.

Create an Inclusion Plan that accredits participation in equity.

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